The Gillett Project
In 1892, William Gillett published a slim volume in the United Kingdom, The Phonograph and How to Construct It.
However, the machine was incredibly difficult to build and only one contemporary machine has ever surfaced, now in the collection of Richard Scott, Chairman of the City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society (
Our goal
The aim of this project is to build 10 units of Gillett's electric phonograph according to the original design, incorporating the modifications he introduced in the following years to perfect it. These are museum-quality machines - and interest from technical museums has already been very high through word-of-mouth communications in the collecting community. In parallel, a book will be compiled containing a facsimile of Gillett's original book and blueprints, additional modifications, questions, and his answers to hobbyists between 1891 and 1894, plus comments regarding the building process by master-machinist Pedro Martínez Díaz.

Limited number of machines
Only 10 units will be made and will be identified by a serial number, certificate, and with its corresponding book. After the 10th unit is completed, all the jigs, foundry moulds, and specific tools for this project will be destroyed.

For those who do not want to purchase a machine themselves, the building process will be documented and a series of videos published for subscribers/sponsors. See "Pricing" for details
An investment opportunity
Even if you only have one machine in your collection, if it is a Gillett, this automatically puts you in a very elite class. And to be honest, a Gillett is a lot cheaper than a used car you will sell for scrap in a couple of years. We have done everything possible to protect your investment and ensure that your phonograph gives you many years of pleasure.